Member Retention Has Never Been So Important. Join our Workshop to Learn More.

Elite Engage’s E-Docs will save your club time and administrative costs
Saving time and money in letter production and postage costs as well as enabling your members to make their payment without the need to visit or send a cheque.
Join us for a free workshop to let us show you how quick and simple membership renewals should be.
Membership Retention Workshops
ESP Leisure are holding a Workshop on Membership Retention on Thursday 21st January 2021 @ 11:00 or Tuesday 26th January 2021 @ 11:00.
Register using the form below.
Membership Retention
Times have changed, almost overnight! New buzzwords have filled our daily lives, and the news feed has been constantly full of ever-changing restrictions and statistics.
The support that your members gave your club during the various lockdowns by continued payment of their membership subscriptions will be repaid in a variety of different ways and the most encouraging trend has been how Members are now embracing online services and mobile applications for making bookings and placing their Food and Beverage orders.
The next natural step is to Thank them for their unequivocal loyalty, and to invite them to renew for the coming year!
Okay, so Membership Renewal may not start immediately, but there are steps you must take now to ensure you use technology to save time, money and take your customer service to an even higher level.
For starters, when customers are visiting your club, you should encourage them to make use of the new technologies, such as Online and Mobile Food and Beverage Ordering or digital receipts. Taking the time to educate your Members in the new technology will be a mixed bag – some will instantly know what to do, others will take a little persuasion. Guide customers through the process of downloading and logging into apps which will make subsequent use more likely, not to mention a probability of additional spend.
Then it’s time to explain “Paperless”.
“We’re going to be doing everything electronically and you won’t get a paper version unless you specifically request one!”
Using Elite Engage’s E-Docs module, your club will save production and postage costs as well as saving administrative time for both your members and staff.
A single push of a button within Elite will automatically generate each member their renewal invitation letter; Elite Engage will instantly generate a communication, either by Email, SMS or Push Notification, that their Renewal Invitation is ready to be viewed.
Elite keeps a copy of the document, which you can print on demand as required, but if your Members are on board already, there’s a very large proportion that you won’t need to print and post, and if you can encourage them to make the payment online, you don’t have to process that either.
It’s a Win – Win situation. You get efficiencies and savings – your Members get simplicity.
Sending the Membership Renewal Invitation document is a ideal opportunity to present a personalised communication which not only thanks them for their loyalty and reminds them of the great benefits of membership at your club, it gives an ideal opportunity to guide them through the simple steps of logging into their online account (a simple click if they’re one of the converted to using the EliteLive app), then pressing the option to Pay for their Renewal.
This is where the clever things happen. When you generated the documents, Elite noted against each member that this happened; Elite Engage tracks each time your Member views that document; based on their behaviour you could drive the next communication.
It could be that they’ve logged into their account, but they haven’t read the document – how about a follow up reminder that says “Time to Action your Renewal” … all they have to do is read the document and make the payment.
Or, it could be that they’ve read the document, but chosen not to make a payment; in which case it’s time to remind them about the benefits of membership and give them the countdown to highlight that there’s not long to take action.
Or, they’ve pressed the payment button, in which case it’s time to say: “Thank You very Much For Renewing”.