“Experience the most advanced Leisure Management Software Solution, powered by the world’s leading cloud server platform.”
Option 1 – Shared Cloud Hosted
Option 2 – Dedicated Cloud Hosted
With all the benefits of a shared cloud hosted ESP Elite system, but with the added bonuses of:

Add an even greater level of protection
Contact Your Account Manager To Find Out More About Cloud Hosted
(1) Version 7 Elite system requirement. No version 5 support. Select third party integrations or functionality (i.e.: serial access control hardware, serial range) may prevent your Elite system from being able to be hosted in the cloud. (2) The speed in which you utilise your cloud-based system is all dependent on the bottle-neck of your network and internet service provider [isp]. For example, if your your ISP and/ or network speed limits your terminal to 10Mbit, then your terminal will only achieve a 10Mbit connection to your Elite system. (3) Additional costs incurred. A whole virtual server environment dedicated to just your organisation. This includes all cpu power, network bandwidth, encrypted disk storage and backup. No other organisation apart from yours will utilize the same virtual resource. (4) Typical server HPLE ML310 Gen10 with 350W power supply capable of using 3,066Kwh of energy a year based upon 100% utilisation. (5) The restoration times of your backup data all depend on the given disaster scenario, the size of the backup data set, internet line speed, availability of the datacenter & backup agent and the urgency of each request. (6) We are unable to guarantee that the backup data or server itself will always be available from items outside our control. (7) Further information regarding datacenter security can be found here: https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/data-center/controls/ and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/security/fundamentals/physical-security